Emergency fuell clause active

09 - 03 - 2022

Due to the unparalleled rapid increase in fuel prices, we are installing an ’emergency fuel clause’ with immediate effect. This ’emergency fuel clause’

means that instead of the monthly or quarterly indexed fuel price, the diesel surcharge will be indexed each month from March 7, 2022. This necessary

measure is to cope with the exploded fuel prices. The indexation will be determined on the first working day of the week. (UPDATE 13-6-2022)


The fuel costs represent a substantial share of the total costs and therefore have a direct influence on our daily result. For this reason, this measure

is implemented. We understand that this measure affects everyone’s business, but have to impose this to maintain our service as you are used from


As soon as the situation stabilizes, this measure will expire again. We will inform you about this on our site. Due to the rapid fluctuations of the fuel

price, we advise you to regular check price developments.



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