Lean and Green
An optimized load. Always driving with products in the back of our trucs using modern materials, while focussing on the fuel consumption of our drivers. This is something we’ve been doing for years, but on the 20th of May 2010, we achieved the Lean and Green Award as one of the first road carriers in our country. This was the first big reward for our durable and sustainable policy. In November 2013, we showed the reduced CO2 emissions of our entire company by 20,7% and this is what got us the 1st Star.
In December 2017, we were rewarded with the 2nd Star for all the durability initiatives we were committed to. These included the shift from road transport to intermodal transport (train/short sea) and the use of alternative fuels for our trucs and the energy supply for our office in Deventer. Our office operates CO2 neutral for the bigger part of the year due to the installation of 1300 solar panels.
In 2018 we continued the developments and optimized them where needed and possible. As a reward, we received the certificate for the 3rd Lean & Green Star on the 22nd of November of that year.
Now we were the first international operating road transporter in Europe to receive this reward. In March 2020, we received are awarded with the 3th Lean & Green Star what made us the first European transporter with this status. Where we only needed to reach reductions of 5%, we realized the reduction of no less than 9,5%! This brings the reduction over the period of time we took part in this program to a total of 35%. Results we are very proud of!
Of course we want to keep up the good work and reach all our climate goals in the nearby future. Who knows we can do that together with you!
Lean & Green Award received: May 20th 2010
Lean & Green Star received: November 12th 2013
Lean & Green 2th Star received: December 7th 2017
Lean & Green certificate 3th Star received: November 22nd 2018
Lean & Green 3th Star received: March 6th 2020
Receiving the 3rd Lean and Green Star by Jerome Vos and Jules Menheere
Some of our modifications:
- placement of 1300 solar panels
- offering the training ‘Het Nieuwe Rijden’ (adjusting driving behavior)
- using longer and heavier transport combinations
- purchase of many Huckepack trailers (on intermodal level)
- applying intermodal solutions
- entire fleet according to the Euro 6 standards
- research and pilots with alternative fuels as GTL, HVO, LNG, electric and hydrogen
- participant project Talking Traffic
- development of own barge terminal in the Port of Deventer
- expanding transport to Scandinavia by rail road and shortsea
- offering a CO2 compensation program
Video: Roy van Verseveld talking about the modifications we made for the achievement of the 3rd Star.